
Chinese Characters and Genesis | Answers in Genesis

Chinese Characters and Genesis | Answers in Genesis

Chinese Characters and Genesis

Book of Genesis

Here are seven Chinese Characters that show that the ancient Chinese knew the Gospel message found in the book of Genesis. In the book God's Promise to the Chinese by Ethel R. Nelson and Richard E. Broadberry, hundreds more are revealed.

Find out:

  • Do the mysterious, ancient Chinese characters have a biblical meaning little understood before?
  • What was the meaning of the 4,000-year-old Border Sacrifice that the Chinese emperors observed annually?
  • Who was Shang Ti, worshiped in the Border Sacrifice?

Painstaking analysis of the most ancient forms of Chinese writing reveals the original thoughts and beliefs of their inventor.

Using many examples, the authors show that the inventor of the original Chinese characters knew and believed the account of creation as well as the promise of the Savior to come. Shang Ti, worshiped at the Border Sacrifice, was the Triune God.

Large Boat
To Covet, Desire
To Create
Complete, Finish

There are also many more examples found in Genesis and the Mystery Confucius Couldn't Solve.

Are There Really Parallels Between Genesis and Gilgamesh

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