
Messianic Shintoism by Arimasa Kubo SD 480p

Messianic Shintoism by Arimasa Kubo   SD 480p 


19:52yeah it's like everything's already in place I often wonder why
19:59people are bringing um Christianity into Kyrgyzstan sometimes I wish they would
20:04just bring the the bread of life or the the new wine
20:10without the old wine skin
20:15yeah in kyogos they have the tradition uh to call uh Jacob uh as their ancestor
20:25and Manas is their ancestor and also they have uh many Customs that resemble
20:35uh uh ancient Israeli customs so they are
20:42Redemptive gift uh that God gave them to redeem uh
20:48uh yoga's people right and I think uh these this kind of
20:55Redemptive gift is uh given to every nation each Nation uh
21:03if the people realize that their history
21:08culture tradition uh in the in in their tradition

0:00very nice to meet you all I'm I'm arima sakubo a publisher of a Christian
0:07magazine this kind of magazine you you can see this is called Remnant Remnant
0:17this is a Christian magazine and I published this uh
0:22monthly today I'd like to talk about the Messianic Shinto or east in Japan
0:32there is the traditional unique religion called Shinto
0:39yeah uh Shinto is the national religion of the Japanese Nation just like Judaism
0:46is the national religion of only Jews and ancient Israelites
0:53as a matter of fact Shinto is very much like the ancient is religion of
1:00Israel both respect Purity and impurity
1:06in Shinto a person who touched the dead is considered impure unclean in the
1:15religion of ancient Israel that was the same as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible
1:22Shinto's Shrine consists of three parts one is the place where everybody can
1:30enter and pray one is the holy place where only priests and permitted persons
1:37can enter the rest is the holy of holies where
1:42only the high priest or the top of the shrine can enter this is very much like
1:49the ancient Tabernacle of Israel there is even a Shinto Shrine which has the
1:57festival based on the story of Abraham about to offer Isaac as sacrifice to God
2:06in the holy of holies uh of Shinto Shrine there are no Idols
2:14something which can reflect the presence of God it's symbolically placed
2:21but Shinto believes believers do not consider it to be God himself it is just
2:30the simple symbol to show it is the holy place where God comes down
2:38just like uh in the Tabernacle of ancient Israel the tablets of stone of
2:45the Ten Commandments the jar of manna and the rod of Aaron were placed inside
2:52the holy of holies but they were not idols they were just objects to show it is the
3:00holy place where God comes down and just like there are three holy
3:09Treasures in ancient Israel the Imperial family of Japan has three
3:16holy Treasures the emperor of Japan in the top of uh is
3:23the top of Shinto he is like the Priestly king of Israel
3:29many people think Shinto is polytheism believe in many gods but according to
3:37the priest Mr amobe of Kono Ginger Shrine Shinto had been monotheism belief
3:45in one God before the 8th century
3:53wrote that Shinto's Supreme God is the same as God of the Bible
4:01those who realize these truths are becoming becoming Messianic shintoists
4:08because they realize that Shinto is another version of the religion of
4:15ancient Israel and that Shinto came from the Israelites
4:21who immigrated to ancient Japan they realized Shinto came from the
4:28biblical religion uh their God is the god of the Bible
4:36under good guidance of the Christian pastors some of them became Messianic
4:43shintoist there is shintoists who believe in that
4:50is they are the shintoists who believe in Jesus as the savior
4:57as you know Messianic Jews are those who remain in Judaism and believe in Jesus
5:05Christ as the Messiah Savior and Lord they are not those abandoned their
5:12Judaism and came to Christianity they are believers in Judaism who believe in
5:19Jesus as the Messiah like Messianic Jews Messianic shintoists
5:26remain in Shinto and they believe in Jesus as the Savior and Lord my friend
5:34Mr tutsumi is one of them he's an eager
5:39shintoist but believe it believes in now in Jesus Christ
5:45my friend Mr hirose is a Shinto priest but believes in Jesus
5:53my friend missed Pastor mare is a leader of the Messianic shintoists
6:01last year she baptized 103 people most of which are Shinto
6:09believers in the name of God Jesus and the Holy Spirit this is the article
6:17uh can you see it 103 people and
6:24most of them are Shinto Believers wow and they believed in Jesus
6:32as the savior the pastor baptized them at the
6:38purification place of the river of isijingu shrine is the jingu shrine is
6:44the top of all Shinto shrines in Japan and very much resembles Moses ancient
6:52Tabernacle of Israel this is not syncretism or mixture of
7:00religions the Bible says if you believe in Jesus as your lord and savior you
7:07will be saved believing in Jesus is the most important
7:12thing for your salvation the Bible does not say that attending church is the
7:20condition of your salvation of course it is very good to attend
7:26church and it is helpful for our growth but it's not the condition needed for
7:34your salvation years ago at the Lord committee for World evangelization many
7:43reports were submitted about Messianic Hindus and Messianic Muslims
7:50which are increasing recently rapidly in India or other places many Hindus
7:59became the beliefs of Believers of Jesus and worshiping Jesus at Hindu temples
8:08many Muslims are also becoming Believers of Jesus Christ as their savior
8:16the Muslims secretly worship Jesus not as one of the prophets but as their
8:24Savior and Lord the members of the lausanne committee
8:29called it The Insider movement that is the movement of insiders of
8:36religions the committee decided we should watch
8:42over them warmly not deny them the Bible says in Acts chapter 17 verse
8:5227 so that they should seek God seek the
8:58Lord in the hope that they might grope for him and find
9:03him though he is not far from us from of though he is not far from each one of us
9:12this is called the Redemptive gift which are given by God to redeem Nation
9:21India Kyrgyzstan Pakistan Myanmar China Korea Japan and every
9:30nation of the world is given such a Redemptive gift in the religions in their culture
9:41history and tradition so that they should seek God
9:48and can find God in their own tradition history and culture
9:55especially among the um it's really good material
10:01and you're sharing uh a whole College course
10:10it's everything you say I think could we could ask many questions about oh yes
10:16and I just want to um I just want to make sure that everybody's understanding and if there's
10:23any questions that people have questions and feel free to ask so a lot of people
10:29have their microphones off but please let's just take this time if
10:34you have any questions for ADI masakubo to please ask
10:40I must say I have a question
10:46I know uh [Music]
11:09please translate foreign
11:38same tradition in ancient Israelite Israeli religion
12:18okay uh the Three Holy Treasures of Japan uh one of uh
12:25the three is the mirror sacred mirror that is placed in Israel
12:33and that is the most important one uh the Three Holy Treasures all of them not
12:40uh is not in uh isijingu but the one of
12:46the three uh the sacred mirror is placed
12:52in the Easter
12:57and it is said that uh on the sacred mirror
13:04there is a Hebrew words are written and
13:11that is that means I am that I am or I
13:17am the light light of God in Hebrew in Hebrew script
13:24it is uh is it is a kind of Aroma but uh
13:31in ancient times uh uh no in about 100 years ago uh
13:41uh a Shinto believer saw the inscription of Hebrew inscription of the
13:49Sacred mirror and he wrote it in handwriting
13:55and it very much looks looks like a
14:00Hebrew words
14:10I heard the uh there's another secret uh
14:16uh it's uh won't show it's a sign of King Herod in isagingu oh yeah uh it is
14:25said so but I don't I don't know quite well quite well
14:35is there any other questions from other people
14:43so one question that I want to
14:48I agree with you but I want to um make sure it's clear to everybody you
14:54said that you don't see blending the Bible and worship of Yeshua or Jesus
15:03how do you say Jesus name in Japanese yesu yes yes so you don't see blending
15:11the worship of yatesu and Shintoism as syncretism
15:18expand on that a little bit oh yeah because um
15:24let me interrupt one more time I just okay because um English is a little difficult for
15:30some people I want to syncretism is when the faith the pure Faith becomes impure
15:37because it's mixed with idol worship or some sort of false worship
15:43said he does not see mixing um faith in Jesu and Jesus with
15:51Shintoism he does not see it as syncretism and I want him to expand on why he he believes it's still pure
15:58worship foreign yeah because I
16:05um meet uh many Shinto Messianic shintoists they clearly believed in
16:13Jesus Christ as their own Savior and they worshiped Jesus Christ
16:19and Shinto is very much like the religion of the Old Testament Hebrew
16:27Bible and we should uh put put the New
16:34Testament face uh above uh the or the Old Testament
16:40uh Shinto is like the Old Testament and if you uh put their faith in Jesus
16:50Christ into the Shinto religion Shinto religion becomes higher and step up
16:58religion and just like the Messianic Jews
17:05uh remaining in the Judaism and beliefs
17:11in Jesus Christ as the Messiah
17:17thank you good any questions about that
17:23okay but continue on and it's it's really interesting
17:31uh Miss Margot Crossing
17:36do you have any question uh yes Mike my question is do you see
17:44this as a model for many many um different nations
17:50I'm pardon me do you see the Messianic um Shintoism or the Messianic Judaism
17:57used to do that as a model for other nations
18:03oh yes this is I think this is a model this could be a model for other nations
18:10too because um every nation has its own religion
18:16tradition or Customs that is a Redemptive gift to redeem the
18:25nation to God and in Japan Shinto is in Shinto there are
18:33many teachings of ancient religion of Israel
18:39or uh teachings of ancient Eastern
18:45Christians too even the teaching of Trinity
18:51of God is in Shinto religion too and be
18:57if uh Shinto Believers realize that Shinto came from ancient
19:05religion of Israel or ancient religion of Eastern Christians uh they will come
19:14back to the face of uh uh biblical uh God
19:24I think this is this could be a model uh
19:29to other nations [Music]
19:35I I agree from what I've seen in Kyrgyzstan I believe that kyrgyz have a
19:41a faith that is um beautiful very similar to the angels
19:47of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses and David
19:52yeah it's like everything's already in place I often wonder why
19:59people are bringing um Christianity into Kyrgyzstan sometimes I wish they would
20:04just bring the the bread of life or the the new wine
20:10without the old wine skin
20:15yeah in kyogos they have the tradition uh to call uh Jacob uh as their ancestor
20:25and Manas is their ancestor and also they have uh many Customs that resemble
20:35uh uh ancient Israeli customs so they are
20:42Redemptive gift uh that God gave them to redeem uh
20:48uh yoga's people right and I think uh these this kind of
20:55Redemptive gift is uh given to every nation each Nation uh
21:03if the people realize that their history
21:08culture tradition uh in the in in their tradition
21:17um God gave many things or some things uh
21:25for the nation to realize that God is
21:30the their ancestors God right right it's so beautiful
21:38there's two gentlemen Joel Dosh and katriel who have their hand up
21:45do you have a question no I want to ask Mr
21:52harimasa Kuba okay in ancient Japan
21:57history are there anything talking about an historian
22:03historian history
22:10yeah oh yeah uh I research about nestorian
22:17Christians too and nestorian Christians uh came all
22:24along the Silk Road in Korea and also Japan too
22:30the first nestorians who came to Japan is in the sixth or 7th Century
22:42they came in the times of shotoku taishi
22:47Prince shotoku his uh Prime Minister of Japan he was the
22:56Prime Minister I'm a prince and prime minister um
23:01and he uh the nestorians uh influenced
23:07uh the politician [Music] Prince shotoku
23:14and also in 8th Century uh some other
23:20nestorians and historian Christians came to Japan
23:25and they influenced uh to the politics of uh those days and uh
23:38princess comio was very much influenced by the
23:44nestorian Christians and she built
23:49uh free uh faculties
23:56to help uh pores help the pores and help the
24:05uh sick sick and
24:11like the people lacking uh
24:17lacking economically poor people yeah oh yes
24:24[Music] and also in Shinto thank you
24:30okay um
24:35I uh katria also had a question are you Joel Dosh do you have any more questions or is that
24:42no I I'm sorry I just interrupted uh he uh another question is are there any
24:49relationship between the nestorian and the Shintoism in Japan do they have some
24:55kind of relating oh yes uh Shinto and nestorian
25:01Christians are very much related because uh in Shinto
25:11there is a symbol of three pillars and
25:16three and triangle um that one of the famous uh three uh
25:26pillars and triangle is placed in Kyoto
25:32City and it is the symbol of the Trinity of
25:37God the concept of the Trinity of God is uh
25:43in Shinto religion too and each God is
25:48very much uh resembled to the
25:56God and Jesus Christ and holy spirit of the Bible
26:02I think this came from the teachings of
26:08nestorian Christians and also uh
26:16we think the hunter Clan is the descendants of ancient Israelites
26:24who converted to Christianity when they
26:30were living in Central Asia
26:36they in Japanese Chronicles it is written
26:42that uh the clan came from Central Asia
26:48to Japan uh with a large group
26:54of people let me interrupt real quickly and say
26:59Joe doce in Kyrgyzstan a Japanese scholar who was here last time we met
27:06named toshio hori oh yeah I figured out that hata in Japanese is probably Kata
27:14Kata in kirkus so we have um kataman or kataman and
27:21some words that start with Kata in kirga's
27:27what does Kata mean in cougars what
27:35means wrong yeah wrong yeah like a mistake yes a
27:43mistake oh I see um you know
27:49uh if if you put an L at the end of
27:54Kata katal means uh very uh how to say
28:00it's something like uh strong
28:06like or a little bit like cruel something like that oh I see yeah means
28:12strong or cruel in Hebrew means
28:30and in in in in in in in Chinese script taka is is
28:37Jin yes I think it's it's all about interlinked
28:43yes oh it's a special special theory about that that the gender dynasty was
28:51originally hataklan and they they were regarded by the by the people as hata as
28:58as sinners he went to to Japan I think this is
29:06Hillary without it because this Qin dynasty destroyed the ancient Chinese
29:12world oh yeah yes yes
29:18also cut cut means a letter or yeah like
29:23a book or a letter ingredients I see yeah yeah
29:30yeah so while we're on that word maybe we can give a word to cut trial katria is
29:39is here katria you have a question yes I do um
29:46thank you for having me it's wonderful I'd like to get to know more of you guys uh my questions are uh first of all
29:51khattat in Hebrew is uh as the brother mentioned means sen and Hebrew
30:00means sin um
30:06and um uh but my questions regarding Shintoism
30:12is uh well first of all a couple of things uh one is I would like to see
30:18the picture of the mirror you were talking about that has the Hebrew writing in it I
30:23would like to see that if you have a picture of someone has a picture of it uh yeah on the sacred mirror
30:30yes ah okay uh are you a Jew
30:35uh Efron Israelites but not not Judah not juvenile oh Ephraim wow yeah okay uh
30:45just just a moment
30:51I have a similar similar mirror if you allow me I can show you the the origin
30:59is unclear but maybe can tell about this picture about this
31:05mirror was found in in Japan as well I think there are several mirrors with
31:11with Hebrew signs can you can I yeah Howard Chung if you can if you can
31:20show it please do yeah you must allow me to share
31:26okay I unfortunately am not let me get it Zoom you must allow the sharing of
31:34all right this is the pattern and letters uh yes on the back of the Sacred
31:41mirror yes that's right I know that in the central circle there are later seven
31:50letters which uh uh something like Hebrew letters
31:57outside the circle it is not Hebrew
32:03but inside the circle is yeah okay okay
32:09interesting thank you for sharing yeah Dr Howard Sean I'm sorry right now I can't um figure out how to do that so
32:17forgive me sharing I see the share screen but when
32:22I hit it I I just um I get the uh a stop symbol
32:29so um
32:36yeah it's um I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that later
32:42maybe for the next meeting but if you have something you can send it to me and
32:47I can send it to everyone on the next email okay there I I see see the mixture
32:54between Hebrew and Korean alphabet and it was found in the second was produced
33:00in the second ad which is is a date 800 years before
33:07the Korean alphabet was invented so wow the Korean alphabet is stems from the
33:15Hebrew alphabet so good but it was found in Japan and it's
33:21it's quite quite famous as well so there are there are much more Hebrew
33:27uh signs and scripture in Japan than normally would you one would expect but
33:34I'm sure that uh arima soku knows them all
33:41well it's it's part of the cafe experience talking and then oh yeah
33:50do you want to continue and if unless there's other questions
33:56yeah uh I talked about the uh Redemptive gift and I think uh
34:04especially among the descendants of the Lost tribes of Israel the Redemptive
34:10gift is very strong because our ancestors had believed in
34:18God of the Bible so we should come back to the faith of
34:23God uh of the Bible which our ancestors had believed in
34:34so one of my questions is how do non-believing
34:39[Music] Japanese look at the Messianic
34:45Shinto believers uh
34:50yeah Masonic Shinto yes is are not many
34:56yet but uh they are uh gradually
35:01increasing and I think people non-believers
35:07will uh soon uh realized that is it's uh
35:17big phenomenon and also I know some
35:25Buddhists who became the Believers of
35:30Jesus Christ they were Buddhist monk but
35:36believed in Jesus as the savior so
35:42I think a Messianic Buddhist will also increase in Japan
35:49uh I hope so and also this kind of Insider movement
35:56will grow in each Nation
36:02too so I have another question then often
36:08when you're speaking you use the word Jesus Christ
36:14and um we know Christ is a translation from the Eastern or Jewish Messiah
36:24is there another title so Christ being a title is there another title that would be
36:31more Japanese or more Shinto a title like Messiah or Christ
36:40oh yes uh Jesus Christ is the English word for
36:52yes or Yeshua or Yeshua
36:57mashiach that means Jesus Christ and in Japan
37:04there is the land name called uzumasa
37:10we think that uzumasa came from issue Masha or ushimasha the ishimasha
37:20is a Aramaic word for Jesus Christ issue is Jesus and Masha is Messiah
37:29in Aramaic language Aramaic language is the common language
37:37on the along the Sikh Road and Jews and also nestorian Christians used
37:46the Aramaic language and Aramaic
37:51language Jesus Christ is called issue Masha
37:57I think the land name in Kyoto City Japan
38:04uzumasa is a Corruption of ishi Masha which means Jesus Christ right
38:13maybe uh yeah yeah okay so now do some of the Shinto Believers
38:20call Jesus who's Masa is that right is that a
38:25name that they use for him uh today's uh Messianic Shinto is called
38:32Uh yesu sama that means Jesus
38:37is an ancient or old name for Jesus Christ
38:44maybe in the ancient Christians old Christians
38:49in Kyoto City prayed in the name of Masha or
38:55yeshimasha Jesus Christ loudly so they called the land
39:04usmasa Jesus Christ okay interesting wow wow
39:11because in Kyoto City there were many uh hidden Christians about 200 years ago
39:21they they are Catholic Roman Catholic Christians
39:27they prayed in the name of uh uh they called God delsu summer that
39:36means Deus is a Catholic name of God Catholic calling of
39:43God so there are several places called
39:49dayus Machi a town Dios
39:55that means maybe that came from God's name Deus in Roman Catholic
40:07so God's name became the land name right right
40:15I don't know if you could see the chat that's going on but um Margot just wrote that in
40:22cashmere there's a land called yet um use mark
40:27your smug which the local people say is the valley of Jesus oh really
40:33oh that's interesting it looks like she put a link there also
40:40Wikipedia so um this material is fantastic and it's
40:47something um that I would love it if it was written in English and you know maybe
40:53some of the other languages Chinese Korean characters and
41:00um and the Miso languages oh yes it's very very
41:06interesting I've never read or heard what you just mentioned about uzmasa
41:12ushumasa Masha so um for me that would be fan Fantastic to
41:18learn more about that and maybe write something about it was the living base of the clan a hotter
41:31Clan built the town and City and it is
41:36still called uzumasa that means Jesus Christ
41:42so it is very good for the Japanese to know that uzumasa meant Jesus Christ as
41:51Jesus Christ is the tradition of Japan right right amazing amazing
42:02okay if somebody's got some chatting going on the background
42:08um maybe share a conclusion
42:14I'm gonna have to turn off the um microphones I think can you share a
42:22conclusion in maybe some three or four minutes
42:27you could pray for us at the end and then if people want to stay on and
42:33get to know each other better after that we can we can go after afterwards but I'd love to hear a
42:40conclusion some thoughts
42:46hi hi yes [Music]
43:10translate please I I understand the Japanese anxious songs
43:17it's called Hayashi kotoba it's uh you know checking during the songs that used
43:24to be uh thing thought as the Hebrew language the uh if you wish please share
43:32that kind of information oh yes okay uh there are some
43:39researchers or Scholars that uh
43:44say Japanese uh traditional folk song
43:51uh have contained many Hebrew words
43:57like uh we have on for example we have
44:03um uh Famous folk song traditional folks on
44:09yaren Sauron uh and uh Jewish uh
44:16Israeli Ambassador Mr Ellie Cogan said yoren means uh
44:27not okay uh
44:33Rejoice well I I forgot but and also
44:39Sovereign because uh
44:46uh many Japanese uh fishermen uh
44:52rejoiced uh riding on getting up on the
44:58ladder and and come up to the second floor and see many signs of
45:09crowds of fish and they sang the yaren Sauron song
45:18when they saw the signs of crowded fish
45:25and also Jewish uh
45:31research Mr Joseph eiderberg
45:36wrote that many words of Japanese traditional folk songs
45:44Hebrew words and they and he translated
45:50it translated them into Hebrew uh
45:55translated them and interpreted
46:02the meaning yeah it's wonderful it's really amazing
46:08God is good yeah thank you
46:21oh yes we often
46:27saying at many festivals traditional festivals
46:33but we don't know the meaning but maybe that's
46:39uh that came from a Hebrew words Ani
46:52means praise and yah is the shortened word for Yahweh God's name
47:02probably came from uh any I praise
47:08Yahweh I praise God in Hebrew wow wow
47:15so amazing so wonderful you have the when you speak it sounds
47:23like the Shinto the Messianic Shinto Believers are true Japanese
47:31oh yes uh messenic Shinto's uh Shinto
47:37are true Japanese and also true Christians and true
47:44shintoists but believe it believes in Jesus Christ as the savior

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