Chiang Min Jews
In fortlike villages in the high mountain ranges on the Chinese-Tibetan border live the Chiang-Min of Szechuan. According to the Scottish missionary, Reverend Thomas Torrance, who visited Chengdu in 1918, the Chiang-Min are descendants of the ancient Israelites who arrived in China several hundred years before the common era.
Torrance issued several publications in the 1920s on the subject of the customs and religion of the Chiang, and in 1937 produced his work China's First Missionaries: Ancient Israelites – a culmination of his ideas concerning the origins and life of the Chiang-Min.
Torrance notes that the Chiang-Min "...retain unquestionable marks of being members of the Israelitish branch of the Semitic race..."
among them unmistakable Semitic features. He finds many customs common to ancient Israelite religion. The Chiang-Min believe in one God and serve the Abbah Molan, reminiscent of the Israelite Malach or messenger of God (angel). "In times of calamity or acute distress, the people have a moan or cry of a 'Yawei' sound - very suggestive...of the Biblical name of G'd."
これらはシニムの土地から。天を叫び、地を喜びなさい、なぜなら アドナイは彼の人々を慰めた。そして、彼の苦しめられた人々を愛で取り戻しました。」 |
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